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Electricity is still a luxury in most parts of the North-East, with a few exceptions in some towns. There are many people who have never seen electricity used in errands. The government has been successful in expanding power grids to the south, which is part of the rural electrification project, but not however to the North-East. Majority of the North-East sectors cannot be developed due to the non-existent electricity supply. The North-East does not have access to hydro-power, and other electrical conventions are too expensive. The North-East covers 60% of the coastal areas, and has good soil and plentiful supply of wind. Hence, both these factors lead to the land being used for farming, and to also setup windmills

TECH started to provide small powered windmills, which can produce 250 to 500 Watts. TECH considered choosing windmill for the following reasons:

  1. Being a renewable form of energy, wind power will never run out.
    1. Moreover, does not emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
    2. Does not require a water supply.
  2. Does not emit carbon dioxide.
  3. Wind energy becoming competitive, with fossil based energy prices rises and the cost of wind energy is falling.
  4. North-East has to develop their own energy resources independently.

With this in mind, TECH has started to distribute medium powered windmill as of March 2006. To obtain a windmill, please get in touch on 2285009.


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